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Welcome to the Fairy Tales Academy!

Fairy Tale Stories

Once upon a time... there were stories of fables, myths, legends, folk lores and fairy tale! However, most resources are scattered all over the internet. Fairy Tales Acaddemy's mission is to bring to you these amazing stories from the times of old into one convenient place.

Fairy Tale Books

Whether you are a child who loves bedtime stories, a grown up kid,or an adult but still a young kid at heart who loves some wonderful stories, or just someone who is fond of amazing stories of fables and their lessons, the great tales of the heroes and of the gods and godesses of Mt. Olympus, or stories of the valiant knights of King Arthru, ypu'll find them here.

Parent telling a story to her kid

Remember, you are never old to enjoy a good story, especially if you are a parent who is telling your kid a story.

Another parent telling a story to her kid

I hope you are excited as I am. So let the stories be told! Let's enjoy these amazing stories!

With much love,

Ray Founder of the Fairy Tales Academy